Father of Clementina accuses Black Sherif of being responsible for her passing and that he skipped her funeral.

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 Black Sherif, a young Ghanaian singer, is in hot water following his latest tribute song, 'Oh Paradise,' for his high school sweetheart, Clementina.

Clementina's father has appeared on social media, accusing Black Sherif of being responsible for her death.

Clementina's father claims he has never met Black Sherif and does not recognize him as his in-law.

He revealed that Blacko did not attend the girl's funeral and was also unable to identify himself to her family as her boyfriend.

The man who was upset went on to allege that Black Sherif did not contribute monetarily to the funeral.

He also accused Black Sherif of having knowledge of his daughter's death.

The anonymous man expressed his displeasure with Blacko for bringing back painful memories of her daughter coming out 5 years ago.
Download: Black Sherif – The Villain I Never Was (Full Album)

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11 Oh Paradise [DOWNLOAD ]

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14 Second Sermon Remix ft Burna Boy [Download ]

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