Daasebre Dwamenas Alleged Son Is A Different Level


Meet NanaBa Kwaku the alleged Son of the Legendary Musician, Daasebre Dwamena

When we mention Hilife  music, so many pioneers  come to play of which Daasebre Dwamena cannot be left out.  He is a prominent Hilife Music Legend who is known for his great contribution to the Hilife music world.

Currently, there are videos circulating all over social media about his third son, Nanaba Kwaku that he is emulating his father's music  career. 

In an interview granted on SnTv with NanaBa he explained that he loves music and singing is his hobby. It is not that he is following the footsteps of his idol Daasebre Dwamena.

" Music is not my career but a hobby. I sing when I feel the urge to. I am independent person, working to survive and to build a name for myself, not that I'm stepping into Daasebre's achievement or into his shoes. People sometimes do mistakes in the case of Prejudging, maybe i might be singing for a large crowd some day,but for now am focusing on my Job and enjoying the Music as a Hobby.He said.