Bill Gates: "Coronavirus Will End On This Date But On One Condition"

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 In an interview with the Spanish newspaper El País, Bill Gates provided his prognosis regarding the Covid- 19 pandemic. Newly vaccinated against the virus in California, where the entrepreneur received a first dose of the Moderna vaccine, he says the end of the pandemic is not so far away.


Microsoft founder Bill Gates is said to estimate that by 2022 the vaccination rate will help stem the global Covid- 19 pandemic.

But for Bill Gates, that is on condition that the development of vaccination is massive. " The ideal would be to make sure that the virus does not spread between humans. For the rest, stores will reopen, public events will return, provided at least 70% of the population is vaccinated. But yes, next summer, things will largely return to normal, " he predicts.

When asked if he is able to predict the health context in a year, he replies that " by the summer of 2021, things will be back to normal, and by 2022, in countries like Spain and the United States, we will be able to organise major events" . Note that the United States has just crossed the barrier of 500, 000 deaths due to Covid- 19.

Bill Gates is not the only one betting on the end of the pandemic. Some think more time will be needed. Invited on France Inter on February 18, epidemiologist Didier Pittet was much more cautious, and therefore necessarily more pessimistic about forecasts of a return to normal. " I believe that it is in summer 2022 that we will be able to really take stock of the situation and probably that there, everything will be much easier" .

More realistic findings?

During his interview, the American billionaire also raised the contrast between the progress of vaccination in rich countries and poor countries: " Right now there is a big gap. The amount of vaccine that is in rich countries is very high, even compared to middle income countries like Brazil and South Africa, which have experienced a terrible epidemic, and which continue to vaccinate at a slow rate », He says.

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