Sarkodie snubs ShowBoy to big up AMG Armani on his twitter page after the 2hype Gang publicly asked the Sarkcess boss for a verse on his new song.
ShowBoy over the weekend took to his twitter handle to ask for a verse from Sarkodie for the remix of his new song titled ‘Ye Blow’ featuring Bosom Pyung.
Sarkodie rather posted AMG Armani on his twitter handle lauding him, probably an upcoming collaboration between the two, without responding to the request of the 2hype Gang boss.
ShowBoy after chancing on Sarkodie’s tweet about rapper AMG Armani, acknowledged him for the big up and what he’s doing to help the AMG boys.
Sarkodie Hints On Upcoming Collaboration With AMG Armani, Snubs Showboy ‘Verse Request
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July 11, 2020