Biography: Desmond Afari is my real name but am popularly known as Adwenpa, Ghanaian based Audio engineer/music producer

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Hi, Africans this is your professional sound engineer called Desmond Afari, who bears the name Adwenpa is a Ghanaian based Audio engineer/music producer, he's got a signature which is usually mentioned in his productions(Adwenpa pa made it) sounds in a lovely female voice.
He's the first born of Mr. William Aboagye Afari and Mrs. Dora Korankye.
He has with five siblings. Namely,Laura, Samuel,Christiana,Aaron, Joel (Aboagye Afari) are his siblings,from the oldest to the youngest, respectively.
He's very dynamic to the advance of music, very good Instrumentalist who can play many kinds of musical instrument lively.
He is capable of producing different kinds of genre such as Dancehall,R&B,Reggae,Hip pop, afro pop etc.
Also good in music composing and directing,
He has worked with great artist such as Banju_i,Superior the stargyal,Agatha,Irene etc.
His hobby is visiting of friends (very friendly to be precise), listening to music and watching cartoons.

ATTENTION: Check my pictures below

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