Ghanaian uber-talented rapper, Kofi Mole A.k.a the Aposor Gangster unveils the 15th episode of his usual MoleMondays Freestyle’s with a titled dubbed “Jiggy”
Downoad and enjoy beneath!
Kofi Mole – Jiggy (MoleMondays Ep. 15
Quofi Sterling
Hi, Thank you for visiting this Website; I hope you like the songs we shared. My name is Quofi Sterling, and I am the founder of Ghhitzmedia. I enjoy music, particularly Ghanaian music. I prefer to serve rather than be served. As a result, I've taken it upon myself to provide you with all of the most recent Ghanaian music. Yes, I'm a music promoter and graphic designer, so please connect with me. I hope you now understand how much I admire Ghana's showbiz. I adore it!