Nana Agradaa: Inside the luxury mansion of popular Ghanaian priestess

Ghhitzmedia Admin
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- Patricia Asieduaa, better known as Nana Agradaa is a popular Ghanaian fetish priestess

- The Sowutuom resident priestess has been reportedly credited as the woman behind the ministries of many fake pastors in the country

- Nana Agradaa recently flaunted the inside furnishing of her mansion and the video has gain transaction

Popular Ghanaian priestess, Patricia Asieduaa, better known as Nana Agradaa, has gained attention online after flaunting her stunning mansion on social media.

For years, the Sowutuom resident fetish priestess has claimed that she is behind ministries of many fake pastors in Ghana.

In the latest images and videos splashed on her Instagram page, Nana Agradaa served her fans a glimpse of the luxury features in her mansion.

Agradaa is seen showing off her gold plated dining room set among other expensive furnishings in her house.

She posted another video of her beautifully designed kitchen and finally a front view of her mansion and luxurious cars she drives.

The videos and images have gained traction on social media after she shared them online and have since been generating buzz.

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