COVID-19: 5 things Ghanaians expect to hear in Akufo-Addo's next address

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The coronavirus pandemic since its first cases were recorded in Ghana on March 12, 2020, has seen many press addresses from the ministry and other important stakeholders.

Prominent among these addresses are the televised addresses from the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

His next address, which is going to be his 10th address in the series of addresses that is given, is expected to be delivered today even though there has not been any communication whatsoever regarding this.

Based on his ninth address when the president gave May 31 as a deadline for the extension of most of the COVID-19 restriction, Ghanaians are however waiting. has however compiled 5 expectations of Ghanaians as they are looking forward to Akufo-Addo addressing the nation.

1. Opening of borders

This has been one of the boldest and best decisions the president took since the outbreak of the disease. The closure of the borders were announced by the country to ensure that no entry or exit is made to and fro the country via its land, air and sea points.

In his last address to the nation, Akufo-Addo extended the closure of the border to May 31, 2020.

2. Opening of schools

The closure of schools has been one of the things most Ghanaians especially students were extremely happy about. Even though per the academic calendar, students out to be preparing for examinations, most students are not really bothered about that.

Some private school owners and teachers earlier called for schools to be reopened since the reasons for which students were asked to stay at home as not being followed.

Information Minister Kojo Oppong Nkrumah however stated that schools were not going to open anytime soon.

3. Opening of churches

There have been calls for churches to be open for communal worship to continue.

Opening of churches would be a difficult decision for the government to make since it might be a contributing factor to increase in cases.

Head Pastor of the International Central Gospel Church, Pastor Mensah Otabil revealed that it would be a bad idea for churches to open.

4. Opening and operation of restaurants and pubs

There was an earlier directive from the Ghana Tourism Authority indicating restaurants and pubs could begin full operations by adhering to strict protocols. This information excited a lot of people especially the party poopers.

This directive was, however, countered by the Ministry of Tourism, stating that the statement from the GTA was nothing to go by.

Pub owners and other business owners affected by this directive are keenly looking forward to having this restriction lifted.

5. Lifting of the ban on the social gathering of fewer

The directive to hold a public gathering with a number, not more than 25 people, has disrupted a lot of plans made by people especially those who have planned big wedding ceremonies, parties, and funerals.

Those who cannot bear to have very small ceremonies are probably looking forward to this ban to be lifted to choose the next suitable date to schedule their events

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